Thursday, July 2, 2009

Clouded feeling

Rain is the life blood of our earth. If there was just sunshine we would never see the amazing and wonderous natural fireworks that thunderstorms provide us. So why do we wish it away? We care so much for our outdoor enjoyment yet we wish the rain will end. We would have no flowers or trees or wildlife to provide the enjoyment of the outdoors. Remember when you were a child and you rolled in the soft grass. That would not be possible with no rain. With no clouds for shade we would be too hot and with no rainstorms to take the heavy humidity we would surely melt under it's weight. We should no longer teach our children to dislike the rain. We should teach them to embrace it. Take your children out to play during a summer rain. Get muddy and play joyfully. They shall then see that it is all part of a wonderous nature that we must be grateful for and not upset about. Children are willing to accept anything that you teach them and when we teach them to embrace their surroundings no matter the weather they will turn out to be more grateful and joyful adults.

Sleepless night

Trying to find reason and understanding in the world. This world full of those that would rather hate another than to live another's life for even a moment. To hate what you do not know is called fear. When you hate what you do not know you will never have the chance to see life in all it's glory and riches. To truly experience all that is good in life we need to be open to others and their experiences as well as share ours. We need to go outside our own comfort zone and do something new as much as possible. We may never know the true meaning to life but at least let us find understanding of others that share it with us.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Flower in the darkness

A plant stands withered and alone encompassed in darkness almost unrecognizable as a simple flower. It is passed by with no second glances. Longing for sun not seen. Dreaming of the warmth and light that the sun brought before the darkness took over both the day and night. There used to be a difference. There was happiness in the sun. Now there is sadness, emptiness and such all engrossing lonliness in the deep depths of the darkness. Yet the flower still holds on hoping for the sun to return. The final dew drop falls from the final petal. Yet the flower still clings to life and hope that it will soon be in the uplifting embrace of the sun. As the final petal falls the flower gives it's last attempt at life. It then fades into the darkened corner of it's existance and hides away to never see the sun again. When the sun returns all it shall find is this small withered piece of plant. No longer the beautiful flower it was when the sun last caressed it's tender petals and leaves as it has no life and no hope left within.